“Vampire Survivors” Video Game Set to Become an Animated TV Show by Story Kitchen, John Wick and Sonic Executives’ Media Company
Story Kitchen, the media company co-founded by John Wick’s Derek Kolstad and Sonic the Hedgehog producer Dmitri Johnson, is collaborating with Luca Galante, the creator of the popular “Vampire Survivors” video game, to produce an animated TV series based on the game. The game, which was launched in 2022 and became a huge success, will be adapted into a TV series by Story Kitchen, and they are currently looking for an animated TV network and a writer for the project.
Galante expressed his excitement for the upcoming animated TV series and shared his joy for his dream coming true. Story Kitchen has been interested in “Vampire Survivors” for a TV deal since 2022 and is now preparing to shop the idea to animated TV networks. Johnson said the team initially dismissed the game as just another vampire game, but after playing it for “hundreds of hours,” they were convinced that it would make an excellent animated TV show.
In addition to the “Vampire Survivors” TV series, Story Kitchen is also involved in several other TV and movie projects, including Tomb Raider and Splinter Cell at Netflix, Toejam and Earl and Streets of Rage at Amazon and Lionsgate, and It Takes Two at Amazon Studios. The “Vampire Survivors” video game is currently available on PC, iOS, Android, and Xbox Game Pass, with the latest expansion, Tides of the Foscari, launching earlier this month.
With the increasing popularity of video game adaptations in Hollywood, such as the recently released “Super Mario Bros.” movie, the “Vampire Survivors” TV series is expected to be another hit with audiences.